The Best Cable Shoulder Exercises For Men’s In Gym

The Best Cable Shoulder Exercises For Men’s In Gym

Cable Shoulder Exercises allow you to focus your attention on the muscle you are trying to target. They are mainly used for shoulder exercises and growth. Generally, cable machines are used to improve the strength of the shoulder, as well as the form and size.

Are you in search of cable shoulder exercises to strengthen your shoulders? This article will provide you with the best cable shoulder exercises to try.

What Are Cable Shoulder Workouts?

The primary focus of cable shoulder workouts is to work the muscles in the shoulder from all directions, and they’re great for delicate joints too. Unlike traditional free weights, cable shoulder workouts use flexible weight piles for resistance and attach to handles to do different shoulder exercises.

With a single handle, rope attachment, or bar, you’ll be able to work different deltoid movements from different directions.

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cable shoulder exercises



In the cable overhead press, the force is pulled down behind you due to the angle of the exercise. This helps to recruit muscle fibers that are not available in other shoulder presses.

You can adjust the press angle, so that as you move closer to the cable machine, your shoulder joints will be pushed through a wider range of motion, allowing you to press more into your front delts.

How to do the cable shoulder press:

  • Put the stirrup down at the base.
  • Keep your back to the cable machine and grab the stirrups with your right hand.
  • Your back should be facing the cable machine and your right hand should be grabbing the stirrups.
  • Press straight up until your arms are fully extended
  • Slowly return to the starting position
  • Repeat for desired reps


One of the most versatile and effective exercises on the cable machine is the alternating overhead press. This exercise can be done one hand at a time with one cable, or alternate your delts with two cables. In either case, you’ll press up using a neutral grip to better target your front delts and your triceps.

Some cable machines may not have enough space between arms to do this exercise correctly, so just do it one at a time. Not only does the single-arm cable shoulder press work your delts, but it also engages your core to keep your body in vertical alignment, so you don’t lean to one side.

How to do the cable alternating press:

  • Place stirrups at the lowest point
  • Face away from cable machine
  • Grip stirrups with neutral grip
  • Place hands at shoulder height, elbows bent 90 degrees in front
  • Press straight up with one hand until fully extended
  • Return to starting position
  • Press up with other hand
  • Repeate for desired reps


The overhead press is one of the most effective cable machine shoulder exercises due to its strict form. In this version, you are forced to change your body position as you are no longer able to rely on your legs to lift the weight overhead.

Pressing up with such a close grip will focus the stress onto the front delts, pecs, and triceps.

How to do the kneeling shoulder press:

  • Kneel down to the lowest point of the stirrup and grab the stirrups in an overhand grip.
  • Start with your hands facing forward at the upper chest, with your elbows tucked 90 degrees in front of your body.
  • Press straight up until you have your arms fully extended, then slowly return to your starting position.
  • Repeat for as many reps as you need.


This cable shoulder exercise is similar to dumbbell rear lateral raises, but the cable version is better because it provides more tension to the muscles, making the movement smoother and giving you more time to work on your rear delts.

Single arm bent over lateral raise allows you to focus on one shoulder while also lifting your hand higher resulting in a longer extension at the end of the movement. Prepare to unleash the rear delts!

How to do the cable bent over single arm lateral raise:

  • Start at a low angle and stand to one side of the stirrup.
  • Grab the stirrup with a neutral grip and your hand farther from the cable.
  • Hinge forward at your hips until you are almost parallel to the floor.
  • Use your non-functioning hand for stability and place it on the knee or hip.
  • Lift the cable to the side with a gentle bend in your elbow until you have your upper arm nearly parallel to the floor and hold for a few seconds before slowly returning to your starting position.
  • Do the desired number of reps and switch sides.


Cable Cross Over Bended Over Reverse Fly: This exercise is similar to the previous one except that you are working both shoulders simultaneously. The rear delts are often overlooked, but we are here to help.

How to do the cable cross over reverse fly:

  • Set the stirrups down at the bottom of both towers on the cable machine.
  • Reach down with opposite hands using neutral grip for each stirrup.
  • Hang forward so your torso is nearly parallel to the floor, knees slightly bent, and arms hanging down.
  • Pull the cables out on either side with your elbows slightly bent until you have your upper arms at shoulder level.
  • Slowly lower to your starting position and repeat for your desired number of reps.
cable shoulder exercises, cable shoulder exercises gym, best cable shoulder exercises, cable shoulder press, cable shoulder press muscles worked
cable shoulder exercises


The cable machine offers an incredibly effective way to train the shoulders. Let’s have a look at some other benefits of cable shoulder exercises.


The versatility of the cable machine is almost unrivaled because you can easily change the load, the angle, the grip position, and the body positioning when doing shoulder cable workouts. Because you can change all of these variables, you are less likely to get bored with training on the cable machine.


Body positioning is simply the way your body is positioned during each workout. You can use the cable machine in any of the following positions:

  • Lying On A Bench
  • Kneel On One Or Both Knees
  • Sitting On A Bench Or Stability Ball
  • Standing In A Staggered Or Bilateral Position

In short, you’ll be able to target all aspects of your shoulder with one or two good cable shoulder exercises, making sure that you don’t create any muscle imbalance. The fact that you can hit your shoulder so well is due to the combination of shoulder joint mobility and the cable machine’s amazing range of motion.


            With the cable machine, the pulleys are attached to vertical tracks, so you can easily move the starting point up or down. This flexibility allows you to target different muscles in different ways using the same movement.

For example, you could use the cable set up to the ground to do bent over back delt fly. This position allows you to use more muscles overall because you are bent over in the hinged position.


You can use different attachments on the cable machine, such as a stirrup or ropes, to change your grip while doing cable shoulder exercises. You can easily switch from an overhand grip to an underhand grip and from a neutral grip. By changing your grip you can make small adjustments to how you target the muscles you are working on.


In conclusion, cable shoulder exercises are an effective way to target and strengthen the shoulder muscles from various angles. The versatility of cable machines allows for a wide range of movements and grips to enhance shoulder strength, form, and size.


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cable shoulder exercises, cable shoulder exercises gym, best cable shoulder exercises, cable shoulder press, cable shoulder press muscles worked
cable shoulder exercises


Q1: What are the benefits of cable shoulder exercises?

A:  These cable shoulder exercises work the shoulder muscles by isolating them and increasing their strength, form and size.

Q2: What is the primary focus of cable shoulder workouts?

A:  The goal of cable shoulder workouts is to activate shoulder muscles from every angle, making them great for sensitive joints.

Q3: How do cable shoulder exercises differ from traditional free weight exercises?

A:   Instead of using traditional free weights, cable shoulder exercises use flexible weight piles connected to handles to provide resistance from different angles.

Q4: Name the top 5 cable shoulder exercises.

A:  1. Cable Shoulder Press, 2. Cable Alternating Press, 3. Cable Lateral Raise, 4. Cable Reverse Fly, 5. Cable Front Raise

Q5: How to perform the Cable Shoulder Press?

A:   Face away from cable machine, right hand grab stirrups and push straight up until fully extended arms. Move back to starting position.

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