The Best Calisthenics Back Workouts for Girls in Gym

The Best Calisthenics Back Workouts for Girls in Gym

The pull-up is widely regarded as one of the best back exercises of all time. If you’re asking yourself “Can I build my back without weights?”, then you’ve come to the right place. Calisthenics isn’t just any exercise, it’s one of the best.

So why don’t more people don’t do calisthenics?

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, most people either don’t know how to do it or don’t understand that you can build a great back just by following a few simple exercises. If you’re one of those people, read on to find out everything you need to know about Calisthenic Back Exercises.

Who knows, after reading this, you may decide to ditch those dumbbells altogether!


It’s a form of exercise that uses the weight of your body as a stress point. You can use your grip and leverage to increase the difficulty and intensity of the gradual overload.

The only time loads might be used is if they’re attached to the body to increase the weight.


While you won’t be using any outside loading tools, you’ll still need some equipment to train your calisthenics.

You’ll want at least two solid bars of different heights for a back workout.

The first thing you’ll need is a pull up bar that’s relatively high. You’d want one that you can hang from without having your feet touch. If it’s a little bit shorter, that’ll work too. If you’re just going to have a low pull up bar, that’s okay too. It’ll just make things a little bit more difficult.

Your second bar is going to be about 3 feet in length, but again, you’re going to have to go with what you’ve got. Some parks have a set of three or four of these shorter pull-ups, which is perfect.

A rope would be great, as well as another structure you can climb on, such as a tree or pole. Finally, you’ll need something sturdy to rest your legs on. A resistance band is also a good option, as it can help increase the intensity of your exercises.

If you don’t have any of these, don’t worry, you’re likely to have an alternative at home that works just as well. If you’re looking for more options, take a look at our list of the best home gym equipment for calisthenics.

Calisthenic back exercise, calisthenics back workout with bar, calisthenics back workout for beginners, calisthenics back workout reddit, best back exercises, best back exercises at home, back exercises gym


Since you don’t have a lot of options, try to do these exercises 2 or even 3 times per week. This way, you’ll be able to get as much volume as possible, which is essential for muscle growth.

In these sessions you’ll see a variation of pull-ups, chin-ups, and Australian rows for each session. However, you’ll use different variations for each session to allow for variation and to hit your muscles from different points of view.

Since everyone is at a different point in their lifecycle, we’re going to use whatever progression works best for your current level of fitness. First, we’ll list the exercises you’ll be doing for each session, and below the workouts we’ll go into more detail about the rep scheme.

The Importance of Back Calisthenics

The posterior chain consists of a series of muscles located on your back, including all major muscle groups of your posterior chain, including the muscles mentioned above. This group is important because it has a huge impact on your posture, and it also helps to protect you from injury when you’re doing other exercises and movements.

If your back muscles are not strong enough, they can make your spine round forward, which can lead to bad habits and bad body alignment.

Your spinal position also impacts how much oxygen you get around your body. If you have weak lower back muscles or a postural problem, then building your posterior chain will help correct hunching and rounding that can be caused by weak shoulder blades or (or) hamstrings.

A strong upper back also improves mobility for many individuals with THORACIC outlet syndrome, which is an extremely painful condition that results from pressure on nerves that run from your neck down past your armpit and into your hands.

Not only that, but training the back also eliminates muscle imbalance that can lead to movement disorders in other parts of your body, which can in turn lead to injury.

How Can I Strengthen My Back Muscles At Home?

It’s no secret that the back is one of the most challenging muscles to work, even when you’re using weights.

But if you do the correct exercises with the correct form, you will be able to build your back without the use of weights.

So how do you build your back without using weights?

First, you need to find ways to target each of the four muscle groups in your upper back.

Those four muscle groups are:

  1. The Rhomboids
  2. The Latissimus Dorsi
  3. The Posterior Deltoid
  4. The Trapezius


If you’re looking for the best and most effective home calisthenic back workouts that don’t require a bar, here are some of the best at-home back workouts to help strengthen your back:


Benefits of Lying IYT Raises for Beginner Calisthenics

  • Lying IYT raises are one of the most effective exercises you can do at home to strengthen your back without any equipment.
  • It helps to increase stability and posture and works the traps, lats, rhomboids, and lower back.

How To Perform Lying IYT Raises?

  • Lying on the ground, spread your hands wide in front of your body.
  • Lift your torso a couple of centimetres higher than the floor.
  • To feel the contractions in your back, lift your hands as high in front of you as you can. Keep your hands raised for a few seconds, then bring them down closer to your body. The “I” raises this.
  • To do the “Y” raise, lift your hands off the ground in the shape of “Y.” After a short pause, dip your arms to make a Y shape.
  • Move your hands to the sides of your body, forming a “T” shape. Feel the contractions in your traps while doing the T raise. Lift your hands as high off the floor as you can, then drop them back to the floor after 1 to 2 seconds.
  • Use light dumbbells to increase resistance.

Calisthenic back exercise, calisthenics back workout with bar, calisthenics back workout for beginners, calisthenics back workout reddit, best back exercises, best back exercises at home, back exercises gym

SUPERMAN PULL Calisthenics Back Workout

In order to build a strong back, you need to work the entire back muscle group from the top to the bottom. In this post, we’ve looked at a lot of mid-back and upper back exercises, but you’ll also need to work your lower back with movements like the Superman pull.

The Superman pull is a great way to build a strong lower back in the comfort of your own home without the pullup bar. It works both your lats and your lower back at the same time.

How To Perform Superman Pull?

  • Lay on the ground on your back and spread your legs wide.
  • Keep your eyes forward and lift your chest up a few inches.
  • As long as you don’t feel a cramp in your lower back, lift your hands above your head and pull them towards your breasts.
  • Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then lower your hands back to where they started.



Bird dog is a great calisthenics low back exercise that you can do at home that you can easily incorporate into your regular calisthenics routine.

This low back exercise strengthens your lower back muscles and abdominal muscles. It also improves your balance and stability.

How To Perform Bird Dog? 

  • On all fours, place your hands just below your shoulders.
  • Keep your back straight, firm core, and look down. Here’s your starting point.
  • Move your right foot behind your back until it’s flat on the floor and lift your left hand in front of your face.
  • Keep this position for 5 to 10 seconds before returning to the start.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Below is a list of the top calisthenic back exercises with bar that will enhance your back strength:


The dead hang, when done correctly, is a great calisthenic exercise for back, shoulder, arm, and abdominal strength.

The dead hang is a great warm-up for the lats, builds grip strength, and prepares the body for the initial pullup.

How To Perform Dead Hang?

  • To do a dead hang, put your hands 4 to 6 inches from each other on the bar and hold them overhand.
  • Extend your arms as long as possible while keeping your hands at your sides, your lats engaged and your head in a neutral position.

Note: The most effective way to do this is to keep your arms bent and not work your lats, so focus on keeping your lats engaged throughout the movement.


Back and biceps are two of the many upper body muscles that are targeted at the same time during the muscle-up. The muscle-up is considered one of the more advanced back workouts in calisthenics because it involves a lot of different movements, such as pull-ups, dips, etc. It also requires good speed, good balance, good strength, and a good grip.

How To Perform Muscle-Up?

  • Before you start, stand 10 to 15 inches from your pull-up bar so that you can swing your arms as you grab it.
  • Grip your pull-up bars with your overhand grip, keeping your hands no wider than shoulder width apart.
  • Your arms should be fully extended with your thumbs resting on the bar instead of underneath it.
  • When your chin comes into contact with the bar, draw your chest in towards it. Then press the bar down to achieve a dip.
  • Return to your starting position after finishing the dip, then repeat.


Tuck front raises are an excellent calisthenic back exercise with a bar that builds strength in the arms, back and core while improving balance, muscle strength, muscle coordination and flexibility.

How To Perform Tuck Front Lever?

  • Grab the bar with both hands shoulder width apart, and put your thumbs under the bar in the overhand position. Here is your starting point.
  • As you lift up, keep your arms straight. Hold the Front Lever in place until you reach the pike position.
  • As you perform the action, keep your body as straight as you can.


In conclusion, calisthenics offers an effective way to build a strong back without the need for weights. By incorporating exercises like pull-ups, chin-ups, and Australian rows, individuals can target different muscle groups and improve overall back strength and posture.

Calisthenic back exercise, calisthenics back workout with bar, calisthenics back workout for beginners, calisthenics back workout reddit, best back exercises, best back exercises at home, back exercises gym

Read More:

  1. The Best Cable Shoulder Exercises For Men’s In Gym
  2. The Best Cable Back Exercises in Gym for Girls
  3. The Best Gluteus Minimus Workout For Women’s in GYM
  4. The Best Hamstring Workout For Women’s in 2024
  5. The Best Lower Trap Workouts In Gym 2024


Q1: What is Calisthenics?

A:  Calisthenics uses your body weight as a stress point without the need for external weights.

Q2: Can I build my back without weights?

A:   Yes, Calisthenics is one of the best ways to strengthen your back without using weights.

Q3: Why don’t more people do calisthenics?

A:  Many people aren’t aware that calisthenics are effective or don’t know how to incorporate them into their workout routine.

Q4: What equipment do I need for a calisthenics back workout?

A:  You’ll need at least 2 solid bars of varying heights (optional), a rope (also optional), a climbing structure (also optional), and something firm to sit on.

Q5: What are some examples of calisthenics back exercises?

A:  Pull-ups, chin-ups, inverted rows, and back levers are among the best calisthenic back exercises.

Q6: How do I progress in my calisthenics back workout?

A:  Whether you use resistance bands, add weight to your exercises, or increase the number of exercises you do, gradually increase your intensity.

Q7: Is calisthenics suitable for beginners?

A:  Yes, Calisthenics can be a good choice for those just starting out. Calisthenics allows you to mix and match exercises to fit any level of fitness.