The Best Hula Hoop Workouts For Full Body At Home

The Best Hula Hoop Workouts For Full Body At Home

Hula Hoop Workouts are a type of toy hoop that can be twirled around one’s waist, limbs, or neck. They can also be rolled like a wheel on the ground, with care.

Kids and adults have used the hula hoop since around 500 BC. Australian bamboo hoops were the original inspiration for the modern-day hula hoop. It is said that the originators of the plastic hula hoop popularized in the United States were Australian children who were driving past in a car and saw bamboo hoops being played. The plastic version of the hula hoop became popular in 1958 with the release of the first plastic hula hoop manufactured by the Wham-O toy company.

Most children’s hula hoops are about 70 cm (28 inches) in diameter and adult hula hoops are around 100 cm (39 inches). Traditional materials used for hula hoops are willow or rattan, which is a flexible and powerful vine, grapevines, or stiff grasses, while commercial hula hoops are usually plastic tubing.


The hula hoop gained international popularity in the late 1950s, originating in Australia and spreading to the United States through innovative plastic designs. The craze led to millions of units sold, a brief decline, and a resurgence in the late 1990s, evolving into a global movement with events and festivals worldwide.

The Best Hula Hoop Workouts For Full Body At Home

Top Hula Hoop Workouts

1. Standing Twist

The standing twist is a really good workout for the abs. Here’s how to do it.

Steps To Do Standing Twist

  • use both hands to hold the hula hoop and place your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Move your hips to the left while keeping your lower body in a straight line.
  • Do this for 5 seconds, then move your hips to the right for another 5 seconds.

2. Rolling Reach

Rolling reach is a great back and leg exercise. It helps you stay aware of your body and increase flexibility. It’s a lot like driving, except the steering wheel is a lot bigger. Here’s how to roll reach.

Steps To Do Rolling Reach

  • Position your hula hoop ahead of you and lean forward until it touches the floor. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Roll your hula hoop to your right with your back straight.
  • Continue until you’re at the end of the hall.
  • Roll your hula hoop left and go back to your starting position.

3. Hula Hoop Arm Circles

This exercise targets the shoulders and arms. Here are the steps you need to take:

Steps To Do Hula Hoop Arm Circles

  • Create a circular motion with your hula hoop by holding it high in the air between your hands and your forearms.
  • Keep your elbows slightly bent to feel the burn in your shoulders and arms.

4. Tree Press

In this exercise, you’ll be using the hula hoop as a dumbbell. You’ll be doing tricep extensions but with a slight variation. Here’s how to do it.

Steps To Do Tree Press

  • Place the hula hoop on the floor and hold it behind your head.
  • Lift your right leg and put the heel of your right foot against the inside of your left leg, just below the knee.
  • Stand with your back to the wall and watch the world around you.
  • Place the hula hoop behind your back and flex your elbows to return the hula hoop to its starting position.
  • Repeat 10 times before changing legs.

5. Hula Hoop Exercise For The Shoulders And Chest

In addition to providing a firm shape to your hips and booty, the hula hoop is great for your torso and chest as well. All you have to do is move the hula hoop around the upper body and keep it loose in a circular motion without it falling off. Here is a full video of how to use the hula hoop.

6. Hula Hoop Dance

Hula hoop dance workouts can be similar to aerobic exercises that are dance-inspired. Using the hula hoop makes the movements more difficult and makes you sweat more.

All you need is some good music and you’re good to go. Dance to the beat and show off your booty! Here’s a sample.

Hula Hoop Workouts Compared To Other Exercises

According to experts, this full-body workout burns up to 420 calories and is a great fat burner. Hula hoop workouts are considered to be the third-best calorie burner after kickbox and boot camp. Not only do they tone your whole body, but they also have a positive impact on your mind!

Hula Hopping is a popular fitness routine and an ever-growing trend. Long and strenuous gym sessions can be hard to keep up with. Hula Hopping is an exciting and fun way to get fit and stay in shape. So grab your hula hoop and start twirling today! Good luck!

The Best Hula Hoop Workouts For Full Body At Home

Benefits of Hula Hoop Workouts

There are so many different exercises you can do to get results. You can go to the gym for regular exercise. You can work out at home. With online classes, it’s easier than ever.

No matter what type of exercise you do, if you keep doing it consistently, you’ll get results.

But what about a fun, safe exercise that you can do anywhere, any time?

And what about an activity that motivates you to keep working towards a healthier lifestyle?

That’s where the hula hoop comes in. The hidden gem of exercise, the fun-loving activity that turns you into a fat burner, is your key to consistent and enjoyable exercise.

Health Benefits of Hula Hooping

Improves your Mobility

Aerobic exercises improve your mobility. They can help you manage and fight chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. They can also help lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. The more exercise you do, the more able you are to move.

Muscle and joint mobility are important, and when you don’t exercise regularly, your muscle mass deteriorates. Your muscle strength weakens, and you find yourself struggling to climb stairs or increasing the time it takes to run a mile.

Aerobic exercises like hula hooping are great because they are low-impact and can be done by almost anyone. They also improve blood flow to your major organs and help you fight chronic disease.

Burns Calories

Hula Hooping Burns More Calories in 30 Minutes Than Walking More Than 4 mph and Dancing

Hula Hooping is known for its health benefits, but do you know how many calories it burns in 30 minutes?

According to a 2020 study from the Mayo Clinic, women can burn over 160 calories in just 30 minutes, while men can burn almost 200 calories in the same amount of time.

Burns Fat

Hula hooping burns visceral fat, which is the type of fat that wraps around the body’s organs. It’s usually the most difficult fat to target during a workout, but once you start burning visceral fat, you’ll notice that your waist and thighs start to shrink. This is great news for both men and women who want to lose body fat percentage and build lean muscle mass around their waist and hips.

Works Lower Body Muscles

Another great health perk is that hula hoop activity engages the muscles in your lower body. During a hula hoop session, your quadriceps muscle, hamstrings muscle, glutes muscle, and calves are the primary muscles that are activated. You can even increase the effect of your hula hoop activity by using weighted hula hoops to increase your calorie burn and visceral fat.

Enhances your Balance

Regularly practicing hula hooping will improve your balance. Hula hooping requires a lot of movement to keep your hula hoop going. To do this, you need to maintain good balance and stability.

Lower body movements like hula hooping involve the use of your legs and your glutes. This helps you to create a good stance to do the exercise. A good stance will help you not lean forward or sideways, which can cause you to lose your balance.

Decreases Risk for Chronic Disease

Regularly practicing hula hooping will reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. For instance, someone who is overweight or obese has a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as high cholesterol. Hula hooping burns fat and builds lean muscle, which reduces your risk of obesity. I also help reduce the symptoms of stress by practicing hula.


Hula Hoop Workouts offer a fun and effective way to improve mobility, burn calories, target visceral fat, engage lower body muscles, enhance balance, and decrease the risk of chronic diseases. These exercises provide a full-body workout that not only tones muscles but also has a positive impact on mental well-being.

Read: The Best Dumbbells For Shoulder Workouts In Gym

The Best Hula Hoop Workouts For Full Body At Home

FAQs of Hula Hoop Workouts

Q: What is a hula hoop workout?

A:  Working out with a hula hoop is a great way to get fit and maintain good health. It involves a range of movements and exercises that can be done with the hoop.

Q: How does hula hooping improve mobility?

A:  Since hula hooping involves the movement of the hips, waist, and legs in a variety of ways, it helps to increase flexibility and mobility in those areas.

Q: Can hula hoop workouts help with weight loss?

A:  Yes, hula hoop workouts can burn a significant amount of calories, making them an effective form of exercise for weight loss.

Q: Do hula hoop workouts only target the core muscles?

A:  But no, hula hoop exercises also target lower body muscles, such as the gluteal, thigh, and calf muscles, making it a total body workout.

Q: How often should I do hula hoop workouts?

A:  For optimal results, hula hoop workouts should be done 2-3 times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes each time.