The Best Lower Trap Workouts In Gym 2024

The Best Lower Trap Workouts In Gym 2024

Lower trap workouts improve posture, stabilize the scapula, and reduce Upper trapezius pain. Strengthening the trapezius muscle is one of the most important parts of any workout. The trapezius plays a key role in scapular mobility and stability.

Both men and women tend to forget to work on the trapezius muscles. This could be due to not being able to see the muscle, not understanding how important it is, or not knowing what exercises to do.

If you want to get the most out of your back and shoulders, you need to be able to retract and depress your scapula. If your lower traps are weak, you won’t be able to do this. You also need to balance your lower traps with your upper traps, your deltoids with your deltoids, and your serratus with your scapula to perform an exercise correctly.

Before you begin the exercises, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with how to activate your Lower Trapezius.

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Lower Trap Workouts

Lower trapezius muscle

The Lower trapezius muscle plays a role in the scapular:

  • Retraction
  • Posterior Tilt
  • Upward Rotation

How To Activate The Lower Trap Workout

Follow the 4 steps below to engage the lower trapezius

Upward Rotation:

Reach and stretch out your hands as far to opposite sides as possible.


Slightly bring your arms backward.

Make sure you can feel a gentle contraction between your shoulder blades

Posterior Tilt:

Turn your palms towards the back as far as you can so that your thumbs are pointing towards the back/floor.

Feel the contraction:

This is the lower trap contraction that you will need to replicate with all of the exercises below.

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Lower Trap Workouts

Lower Trap Workout

Important Points To Consider:

  • A lot of the exercises in this blog post will involve placing your shoulder over your head. If you have trouble with this, you’ll need to address it first (see post: Can’t lift arm over head? Try these exercises).
  • When doing these exercises, focus on the movement of your shoulder blade on your rib cage at your end range shoulder position (…instead of the movement of your arm).
  • Try to feel the contraction in your Lower Trapezius.
  • Don’t use common compensations like shrugging or arching your lower back when doing these exercises.
  • Avoid heavy resistance.



  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
  • Place your hand by your side with your thumb pointing up.
  • Lift your hand over your head, bringing your thumb as close as possible to the floor.
  • Try not to arch your lower back. Feel a contraction in your lower trapezius.
  • Hold for 5 seconds. Do 20 repetitions.

Leaning Against Wall


  • Get your back against the wall.
  • Point both thumbs up.
  • To do this, put your hands above your head.
  • Get your thumbs as close as you can to the wall
  • Try to detect muscle contractions in your lower trapezius.
  • Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Perform 20 repetitions.

45 Degree Lean


  • Lift your torso at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Place one hand on something to balance you.
  • Lift your other hand with your thumb pointing upwards.
  • Feel a contraction in your lower trapezius.
  • Hold for 5 seconds. Do 20 repetitions.
  • Repeat on the other side. Keep holding onto light weights.

4 Point Kneel


  • Position yourself in a 4-point kneeling position.
  • Lift your hand as high as you can with your thumb pointing up.
  • Feel a contraction in your bottom trapezius muscles.
  • Hold for 5 seconds, then repeat 20 times.
  • Repeat on the other side. Keep holding light weights.

Hands-On Wall


  • Stand in front of a wall.
  • Point both thumbs up.
  • Place both hands as high as you can on the wall.
  • Lean slightly forwards.
  • Lift your hands off the wall.
  • Aim to feel a contraction in the lower trapezius muscle.
  • Hold for 3-5 seconds.
  • Perform 10-20 repetitions.


The main point of the text is that lower trapezius exercises are important for improving posture, stabilizing the scapula, and reducing upper trapezius pain. It is crucial to activating the lower trapezius muscle before performing these exercises, and various exercises can be done to strengthen this muscle.


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Lower Trap Workouts


Q: What are the benefits of including lower trapezius exercises in your workout routine?

A: Lower trapezius exercises help to improve posture, stabilize the scapula, and reduce pain in the upper trapezius muscles.

Q: How can lower trapezius exercises improve posture?

A: Lower trapezius exercises strengthen the muscles in the back, helping to keep the shoulders pulled back and the spine in proper alignment.

Q: What role does the lower trapezius muscle play in shoulder stability?

A: The lower trapezius muscle helps to stabilize the shoulder blades, which is important for maintaining proper movement and function of the shoulder joint.

Q: Can lower trapezius exercises help with upper trapezius pain?

A: Yes, strengthening the lower trapezius muscles and improving posture, can help reduce tension and pain in the upper trapezius muscles.

Q: What are some examples of lower trapezius exercises?

A: Some examples include rows, reverse flies, and Y raises. These exercises can be done with resistance bands, dumbbells, or body weight.

Q: Is it important to include lower trapezius exercises in a workout routine?

A: Yes, it is important to have a balanced workout routine that includes exercises for all muscle groups, including the lower trapezius. Neglecting this muscle can lead to imbalances and potential injuries.

Q: Can lower trapezius exercises be beneficial for those who sit at a desk all day?

A: Absolutely. Sitting at a desk for long periods can cause the lower trapezius muscles to weaken, leading to poor posture and potential pain. Including these exercises can help counteract these effects.

Related Search:

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  • Lower trap exercises dumbbell
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  • Lower trap exercises for posture
  • Lower traps workout
  • Lower trapezius exercises physiotherapy

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